An Algorithm of the Target Detection and Tracking of the Video

Min Huang, Gang Chen, Guo-feng Yang, Rui Cao
2012 Procedia Engineering  
Target detection and tracking of the video is an important part of intelligent monitoring system. This paper proposes an algorithm which uses the matching trajectory to realize the target tracking which based on the Gaussian mixture model. Firstly we use background subtraction to detect the target. Secondly, the feature of the color information, position information, shape information and modified Hough arithmetic are used to find the matching trajectory. At last, we get the result of target
more » ... cking. Experimental result shows the method has shorter matching time based on the good detection rate in target detection and tracking.
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2012.01.352 fatcat:upi3s2jqknc7nayovc372q5eui