Drop Stones Resulting From Snow-Avalanche Deposition On Lake Ice

B.H. Luckman
1975 Journal of Glaciology  
Dirty snow avalanches have been observed to carry considerable amounts of rock debris on to lake ice at the foot of scree slopes. As ice breaks up in the spring thaw, this material is carried back and forth on ice floes and is gradually deposited in the lake. In some areas this produces typical drop stones of rock debris in predominantly fine-grained deposits. Most avalanche debris is very angular which enables avalanche drop stones to be differentiated from those of glacial or other drift-ice
more » ... rigins. However, where avalanches incorporate glacial debris, such deposits may be indistinguishable from those formed by floating glacier ice.
doi:10.3189/s0022143000013502 fatcat:c2lxblh7gndengpzlfidbt46fa