Next Generation Nanotechnology Infrastructure Looking to Broaden Base [dataset]

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As the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN) approaches the end of its initial 10 year term, it has clearly supported and catalyzed the growth of nanotechnology-enabled products. The NNIN user facilities have provided a key national resource where academic and industry researchers are able to access a wide range of state of the art fabrication processes and equipment to demonstrate proof of concept or prototype device technologies. In many instances, the NNIN serves to incubate
more » ... nnovation by enabling early stage R&D activities that otherwise may not be possible due to resource limitations, particularly for small companies. As the model for a Next Generation Nanotechnology Infrastructure (NG-NI) is being developed to accommodate emerging nanomanufacturing methods, materials, and progress towards nanoscale systems, the National Science Foundation (NSF) and other stakeholders are contemplating what capabilities should included in order to continue and accelerate the development of nanotechnology-enabled products, and further expand the innovation pipeline. More.
doi:10.4053/hi774-130228 fatcat:kvawmt2mbbeijg75vcnnsuxxsq