Relationship between egg size and body weight of chum salmon fry under an artificial rearing environment

Daisei Ando, Yoshitaka Sasaki
2020 Aquaculture Science  
The relationship between the initial egg size and subsequent body weight of fry in chum salmon was investigated from 0 to 49 days after emergence. The size of emergent fr y depended on the initial egg size. This relationship was obser ved until the 35 days after emergence, but thereafter there was no correlation between initial egg size and body weight of fry due to egg size independent growth. This suggests that rearing in the hatchery for > 1 month from emergence may reduce the impact of egg size on fry size of chum salmon.
doi:10.11233/aquaculturesci.68.371 fatcat:eclttqx5fvfytmtbmiebztvzgm