A new nematode species Goezia leporini n. sp. (Anisakidae) from cultured freshwater fish Leporinus macrocephalus (Anostomidae) in Brazil

M. L. Martins, E. R. Yoshitoshi
2003 Brazilian Journal of Biology  
This paper describes nematode infection in the cultured freshwater fish Leporinus macrocephalus (Osteichthyes: Anostomidae) collected at Batatais, São Paulo State, Brazil. Of a total of 32 examined fish, 21 (65%) were infected with Goezia leporini n. sp. (Nematoda: Anisakidae) with mean infection intensity of 4.1 parasites. The nematodes presented total length greater than G intermedia, G. holmesi, G. pelagia, G. minuta, G. kliksi, G. sinamora, G. nonipapillata, G. alii, G. moraveci, G.
more » ... nsis, and G. brevicaeca. The main difference was a great number of preanal papillae in males when compared to G. brasiliensis and G. brevicaeca. The present description also differs from that of G. brasiliensis with respect to spicule length and distance of vulva from the anterior extremity.
doi:10.1590/s1519-69842003000300016 pmid:14758709 fatcat:awyfc7pxmra7vafrwrdcrqvyda