Equilibrium and related thermodynamic studies of a hydrogen bonded multicomponent complex in mixed solvents

Mamta Chhabra Sharma
2011 African Journal of Business Management  
An interesting multicomponent complex has been prepared by incorporating a non -ionic homopolymer (e.g., Poly(Vinyl Pyrrolidone) PVP) on a typical copolymer (e .g., Methacrylic Acid/Acryl Amide MA/AAm). Stability constants and related thermodynamic parameters (e.g., Free energy change ∆F o , Enthalpy change ∆H o and Entropy change ∆S o ) have been determined. Interpretations have been sought in terms of secondary binding forces like hydrogen bonding, Van der Waals interactions and hydrophobic
more » ... teractions. Hydrophobic interactions get significantly diminished in higher concentration of organic solvents (e.g., methanol) thus affecting the stability of the complex.
doi:10.5897/ijps10.475 fatcat:tuysibhc2vhcrdzm34uksgohji