Stroke in a child as a complication of Iron deficiency Anemia: A case report

Madoori Srinivas, B Sridevi, Dasari Srinivas, Mohd Juned Ahmed, G Sandeep
2014 International Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences  
Stroke is characterized by the sudden loss of blood circulation to an area of the brain, resulting in monoparesis, hemi paresis and dysphasia. Nutritional anemia is a common problem all over the world. Especially Iron deficiency anemia is common cause for nutritional anemia in developing countries. It has been a common cause stroke in the literature. We report a case of 6 year old girl presented with severe iron deficiency anemia and developed stroke. She was successfully treated with blood
more » ... sfusion, oral iron supplementation and anticoagulation. There are number of confirmed case reports regarding anemia as a risk factor for stroke in children.
doi:10.5958/2319-5886.2014.00425.1 fatcat:3dtmovnoxbdahmc74w36cfuwg4