Perceptions of Students on Introductory University Mathematics: Perspective Study on First Year Undergraduate Students

2020 Journal of Education and Practice  
This paper mainly sought to find out how students' perceptions influence students in their introductory university mathematics: The perspective of first-year undergraduate students of the University of Cape Coast. Specifically, the study sought to find out first-year students' perceptions about SHS mathematics and also to find out the perception students have about introductory university mathematics. The population size of the study was 600 students. The research design used was the
more » ... survey and the stratified random sampling technique was used to select the sample. A questionnaire was designed and used to collect the data. From our findings, it was established that students have a positive perception about SHS mathematics and the introductory university mathematics course. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that teachers are encouraged to use learner centered approach of teaching mathematics with little regard to the teacher centered approach since the former ensures active participation of students in the teaching-learning process and facilitates understanding while the latter makes students mere passive listeners
doi:10.7176/jep/11-25-01 fatcat:lxwag5v5bzavdfh46hdvuhyqoq