THE NAME OF TENZO : The study of koban and tenzo in Myoshinji main temple
典座について : 妙心寺本坊での火番と典座の研究 その2

Tosihyuki HIRAI
1996 Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)  
This paper exa 皿 ines the status , duties , and evo ユ ution Qf the temple office known as koban 〔 Fire Watch 皿 an ' s Office) based upOn study of historical docu皿 ents related to the Rinzai Zen mQnastery 晦 oshinj i . Fr 1842 0nward , h ever . the title of office changed to tenzoryo ( Monastery Cook ' s Office ) and was fi1ユ ed o ロ a yearly basis by tVo monks jointly apPointed to the Office of the 〔 hief Seat ( shuso ) within the mo 【 mstery ' s Western Rank 〔 seiban ; the branch of 皿 onastic
more » ... eaucracy which oversaw the spiritual growth of the 皿 ロmastery ).
doi:10.3130/aija.61.177_1 fatcat:pwvrudkjmfhyhcy3gcgtuhpc3q