Solar Induction Cooker

S. Karim
2018 The Renewable Energies and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ)  
There is no available power grid in the rural areas in many countries in South America, Asia and Africa. st places, Fossil fuel or wood is used for cooking. Besides environmental issues, fossil fuel and wood from trees are being depleted at a fast rate. Solar power is available everywhere during day time in all countries. This solar induction cooker uses a solar panel, which gives a variable dc, to charge a battery. The dc from the battery is converted to a high frequency ac voltage by an
more » ... er circuit. This inverter circuit supplies alternating current to a coil on a magnetic core where alternating flux is produced. This alternating flux produces in the magnetic core Eddy current and Hysteresis 'losses' inside the magnetic core. In this application, these losses will produce useful heat. A cooking pot placed on the magnetic core will be used for cooking.
doi:10.24084/repqj16.468 fatcat:hqwwnkxkwbeahnixafys5vp4ca