A Two Years Follow-Up Study of Children with Monosymptomatic Enuresis Treated with Enuresis Alarm

Berat Ozgur, Musa Ekici, Tolga Karakan, Ahmet Hascicek, Senem Ozgur, Asim Ozayar, Cem Yuceturk, Hasmet Sarici
2013 Pediatrics Research International Journal  
Objective: Nocturnal enuresis is a common problem among children. This multifactorial disease is a source of stress of the families. Therefore, it is important how to approach the disorder, plan the treatment in order to provide a satisfactory cure rate. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long term results of alarm therapy after an initial response. Materials Methods: The study consisted of 36 of 50 patients with nocturnal enuresis, that were responded alarm therapy after three months
more » ... atment. At the end of the second year, detailed interviews with the parents of the children were recorded. Results: It was found that only 6 (16.7%) patients achieved complete dryness with the alarm device and no different treatment modalities were needed after the initial success. The remaining 30 (83.3%) patients had recurrence in the subsequent period and 25 (%83.3) of them tried retreatment. Conclusions: In long term follow up recurrence rates are high and families may seek different treatment approaches. Recurrence probabilities should be emphasized to the families at the beginning of the alarm treatment for monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis.
doi:10.5171/2013.318022 fatcat:brvgwuvzwjb5ro6q7636zk35dq