Bibliometric analysis as a tool for monitoring scientific production in Rural Psychology

José Antonio Camargo Barrero, Juan Gabriel Castañeda Polanco
2019 Espirales: Revista Multidisciplinaria de Investigación  
Introduction.Rurality is a very topical issue in a country like Colombia, due to its demographic and psychosocial conditions; however, little is known about the research development of rural psychology. Objective.Identify the current state of scientific production around rural psychology in the Scopus, Scielo, Dialnet and Redalyc databases in the last 10 years. Materials and methods. It is a bibliometric, descriptive and introspective study, with a final sample of 46 articles published in the
more » ... st 10 years in journals indexed in the databases. Results It was identified that the country that publishes the most topics related to rural psychology is Brazil and 2016-2017 were the years with the highest scientific production registered in the last 10 years. Discussionof the direct relationship of education with the level of wages, great care should be taken when referencing this result. Conclusion.Rural psychology is a field of research that requires greater attention on the part of Latin American researchers.
doi:10.31876/er.v3i29.592 fatcat:bm4wcgv52jhgnaeqjd2emdqgb4