قیاس مدی قدرة المنظومة الشاملة للتعلیم على استیعاب و تطبیق و التعامل مع الدعم المقدم من وزارة التربیة و التعلیم فی التحول إلى الإدارة الإلکترونیة

أسامة محمد محمد سلام
2020 المجلة العلمیة للدراسات التجاریة والبیئیة  
The research aims to measure the ability of the comprehensive system of education to absorb, apply and deal with the support provided by the Ministry of Education in the transition to electronic management. The research relied on the descriptive approach and used the questionnaire as a tool to collect information and the results showed that the student and the teacher understood the techniques The modern use that the Ministry uses to shift to electronic management exceeds the awareness and
more » ... ilation of the leadership and the administration, and this may be due to the media role that the Ministry plays, and in light of the research results, a number of proposals and recommendations have been presented, the most important of which is attention to hybrid education (mixing and balance between the human factor and new technologies ) and the need to pay attention to training, especially for administrators and teachers.
doi:10.21608/jces.2020.119620 fatcat:7jzrfsum2nhgrbwbhkzv4asita