Development and Rationalization of Maritime Traffic Facilities Management System
해양교통시설 운영관리 시스템 구축 및 합리화 방안

Min-Su Jeon, Joong-Woo Lee
2013 Journal of Navigation and Port Research  
Establishment and operation of Aids to Navigation in the process of port design, construction and management are crucial factor of maritime safety and collision prevention. According to the IMO SOLAS Chapter 5, regulation 13, the establishment and operation of maritime safety facilities are mandated for the competent authorities. The facilities of Aids to Navigations are moving to a concept of e-Navigation with state-of-the-art technology of radio navigation equipments such as AIS, DGPS and
more » ... ran from the traditional visual facilities (optics, shape), Although the autonomous maritime traffic system is a new trend, yet the traditional and conventional Aids to Navigation like lighthouses and beacons are still imperative for vessel' s safe navigation. In this paper, for decision of service level of maritime traffic facilities to enhance the efficiency of visual navigation system management it was proposed the Aids to Navigation availability as an efficient management system incorporating the whole maritime traffic facilities under one management system. Comparison of foreign level of services and analysis of the theoretical background of them were analyzed and the proposed LOS was applied to Incheon area to evaluate the safety of navigation routes.
doi:10.5394/kinpr.2013.37.6.587 fatcat:ytbfmxtx2vdm7feumi4zzgtsdy