Coleção de dados sobre ataques a dispositivos de Internet das Coisas

Marcos Felipe Barboza de Abreu, Kleber Vieira Cardoso, Thierson Rosa
2019 Anais do Workshop de Segurança Cibernética em Dispositivos Conectados (WSCDC)   unpublished
The number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has increased every day and along with this growth arises the security concerns. Several techniques have been studied for the prevention, detection and treatment of attacks in conventional networks, such as the work of KDD CUP 99 that proposed a labeled collection, which has been quite exploited in recent decades. A good evaluation of techniques and algorithms of intrusion detection systems is related to the existence of good datasets. However, few
more » ... works exploit the detection of attacks on Internet of Things and until now no collection of data has been proposed for this problem. Along with new technologies and devices arise new techniques of invasion, and even more elaborated. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the attack detection problem in a special way. In view of this, this work is dedicated to setting up a test environment that represents an Internet of Things network, collecting normal device traffic, simulating attacks, assembling a collection of data and analyzing it. For this, we run invasion tests on emulated devices, resulting in a new collection of data. We validate the new collection by applying machine learning algorithms and comparing with the KDD collection.
doi:10.5753/wscdc.2019.7708 fatcat:aa5bgyubhbch7os5pukejcun64