SPRINT-Score: Erstellung eines neuen klinischen Scores zur Vorhersage der Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit von kritisch kranken Patienten zum Zeitpunkt der Aufnahme auf die Intensivstation [thesis]

Manuel Sebastian Belker, Alexander Koch, Bernhard Heintz
This study describes the creation and evaluation of the new clinical SPRINT- score for predicting the probability of survival of critically ill patients at the time of admission to the intensive care unit. A case-control study is used to retrospectively identify clinical measurements and information about pre-existing illnesses of patients from the Aachen Critical Care Trials (ACCT). The information should be quickly available for the physician after the patient is admitted. With help of these
more » ... arameters, the SPRINT-score is created by binary logistic regression. The result is a percentage prediction of the probability of survival and followed by a comparison with the observed data. The power of the SPRINT- score is the prediction of surviving patients. In contrast, the death of a patient can only be estimated moderately well. The established and similarly structured APACHE-II-score is superior to the SPRINT-score according to the predicting outcomes found in the literature. It is worth mentioning that the existing APACHE- II data of the ACCT describe the patient cases worse in comparison to the new created SPRINT-score. Further studies with an independent patient population can expose a more objective comparison of the two scores. Limiting factors in this study are missing and inaccurate measurement data. In addition, the SPRINT-score is methodologically inferior to the APACHE-II-score due to the study design and the lower validity of the patient data.
doi:10.18154/rwth-2021-09274 fatcat:mgwkc65zrrhg5kw67x3ucdxly4