Appendix 1 [chapter]

2022 How Blair killed the co-ops  
Date Event Outcome 1968 Labour Government's first Urban Programmes spurred by Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech. (Eileen) Younghusband Report funded by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Community Development Projects in 12 small scale areas. "Community Work and Social Change: A Report on Training". Report reviewed the value and purposes of community work and made recommendations on the training available and should be further developed. 1969 Ladder of Participation. Steps for levels of Community
more » ... nvolvement (Sherry Arnstein 1969). 1969 Skeffington Report. Recommended limited community participation in planning decisions (Arthur Skeffington MP and Ministry of Housing and Local Government, 1969). 1969 Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation funding for publication of initiatives for community development. Beginning of recognition of need for direct community support. 1971 After formation of the Scott Bader Commonwealth in 1951, 1971 Industrial Common Ownership Movement (ICOM) "born out of the ashes of Democratic Integration in Industry (DEMINTRY)". DEMINTRY had campaigned for twelve years for owners of businesses to convert their firms into "Common Ownerships" (Campbell 1983, 1). ICOM Working Party recommended Revolving Loan Fund.
doi:10.7765/9781526149749.00015 fatcat:7lvgydz2dbgkzfiuqnbgs66jx4