L.A. Crook
2012 Scientia Militaria  
From time to time mutterings are heard about seniority of certain C.F. Regiments and it is particularly in Natal that this seems to occur, where there is friendly rivalry between supporters of the Natal Carbineers and the Durban Light Infantry. Recently another letter appeared on the subject, this time in the April 1984 issue of "Springbok" the official newspaper of the SA Legion, when a Durban reader placed the Durban Light Infantry in number one position, pointing out that their motto is
more » ... us in Africa" (First in Africa), although he conceded that "the Natal Carbineers are the oldest Mounted Regiment". Who is in fact oldest? Which is the senior Regiment? The second question is the easiest to answer but let us look at the factors that must be taken into account in order to reach finality on this vexed question.
doi:10.5787/15-1-493 fatcat:jgoquj654rhbvkat67hwquzaqi