First record of Presence of the Invasive Land Flatworm Two Undescribed New Species (Australopacifica, Diversibipalium, Geoplanidae) in Tamilnadu, India

Selvaraj Selvamurugan
2022 International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews  
The land flat worm (Australopacifica, Diversibipalium, Geoplanidae) is recorded of the first time from the western part of Coimbatore city, Tamilnadu, India. Photographs were taken during study period 0ctober 2019 to January 2020. In this paper, we record a finding of Australopacifica , Diversibipalium, genus with identification of based on photographs. The report showed the presence of species, study area and discussions.
doi:10.55248/gengpi.2022.3.9.2 fatcat:25rogjrerffyjb7qok5rhrm4la