Wielandt Erhard
This is a slightly more automated version of DISPCAL.The program analyzes a single data file containing the output signal of a seismometer during repeated stepwise displacements. The basic concept is described in the 'Handbook' and 'Manual' chapters on seismometry. An ASCII version of the text is included in this FTP directory as abscal.tex. DISPCAL reads two input files: dispcal.par and a data file whose name is specified in dispcal.par. It generates nine output files containing intermediate
more » ... gnals generated in the analysis. By plotting these the user can follow the signal processing and determine reasonable values of the control parameters in the dispcal.par file.
doi:10.2312/gfz.nmsop_r1_pd_5.4 fatcat:4xuvgvlqtzg6xnuqpls2nl2iaq