Two new species and new records of hyphomycetes from Vietnam

Mel Nik Va, Alexandrova Av, Braun
Mycosphere   unpublished
Mel'nik VA, Alexandrova AV, Braun U 2014-Two new species and new records of hyphomycetes from Vietnam. Mycosphere 5(4), 591-600, Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/5/4/11 Abstract The new species Craspedodidymum seifertii and Ityorhoptrum biseptatum (Ascomycota, hyphomycetes), collected in Vietnam on bark of unidentified trees, are described, illustrated and compared with similar species. Furthermore, first records of Kumanasamuha sundara, Leuliisinea bambusicola, Piricaudilium lobatum, Pseudogliophragma
more » ... dicum and Xenosporium africanum from Vietnam are added, including brief discussions and some with illustrations.