Phonology as a tool for Global Englishes Language Teacher Education.pdf

Hyeseung Jeong
While the native speaker norm is not congruent with English language teaching in today's globalised world, the phonology subject in English teacher education has contributed to reinforcing and maintaining the norm, by presenting American or British accents as the pronunciation models that learners should emulate, and by describing them as 'the' sound features of English. This chapter introduces an English phonology curriculum for Global Englishes teacher education, which intends to help teacher
more » ... candidates and their future learners overcome the native speaker norm, be open-minded, and develop both speaker intelligibility and listener intelligibility in global contexts. Together with this purpose, the chapter shares with the reader thoughts and reflections emerging throughout developing and implementing the curriculum. Plans for learning outcomes, required readings, lectures, student activities and assessment are suggested in the appendix, and the link to instructional materials is provided, making it possible for the teacher educator to adopt the curriculum quickly and easily in their teaching practice.
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.12949760.v2 fatcat:2g4verdhjjdhfekg47275kf2eq