Wide-Band High-Gain DGS Antenna System for Indoor Robot Positioning

Lu Bai, Chenglie Du
2019 International Journal of Antennas and Propagation  
Based on multisource wireless signal fusion technology, the autonomous positioning systems of robots have been widely employed. How to design a compact compostable antenna array for indoor robot positioning is still a problem. In this study, we proposed a compact ultrathin antenna unit that effectively reduces the mutual coupling between any adjacent units, while covering most of the existing communication bands, including 2G/3G/4G/Wi-Fi, which will greatly reduce the size of the positioning
more » ... enna array. The proposed antenna system has been employed for positioning purpose with high-gain, wide-frequency band and limited size. It necessarily improves the accuracy of positioning signal from various unknown sources and finally accomplishes its autonomous positioning function.
doi:10.1155/2019/2102593 fatcat:etropekue5fe7p4372pr2dlyzy