Investigation on crack nucleation location in fretting-affected Al 7050-T7451 alloy

Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Zanichelli, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Andrea Carpinteri
2022 Zenodo  
The present paper deals with the estimation of the crack nucleation orientation in fretting-affected Al 7050-T7451 specimens, subjected to cylindrical contact in partial slip regime. In such a context, cracks are generally assumed to nucleate at the contact trailing edge. However, experimental evidences of cracks starting within the contact zone are available in the literature. Therefore, a parametric study on the crack nucleation location is performed in the present work by using an analytical
more » ... methodology. Four different crack nucleation locations on the contact surface are examined, starting from the contact trailing edge and moving inside the micro-slip region.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7258363 fatcat:m7cnt6phdrf6xfrmmmnhmn7ryi