Epipolar geometry and log-polar transform in wide baseline stereo matching

Kimmo Palander, Sami S. Brandt
2008 Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Proceedings of the International Conference on  
This paper presents an interesting observation that epipolar geometry and log-polar transform can be naturally combined by setting the center of the log-polar transform into the epipoles. This choice preserves the linearity of the epipolar lines. Moreover, the setting is especially advantageous, when camera moves towards the optical axis of the camera as the log-polar transform compensates the large scale changes in the scene. This practically implies that conventional matching techniques can
more » ... used with wide baseline images. We discuss the approach with both calibrated and uncalibrated cameras and show some dense wide baseline reconstruction examples where the epipoles are close to the image centers.
doi:10.1109/icpr.2008.4761515 dblp:conf/icpr/PalanderB08 fatcat:wivwuqhrd5fvxbrkkjumy5acju