Mercury-Filled Settlement Gage

Tommy C. Hopkins, Robert C. Deen
A description is given of a remote sensing, multiple-point, mercury-filled settlement gage designed for measuring in-place settlements. The gage consists of settlement units positioned at locations where settlement measurements are desired and a monitoring unit located outside of construction limits. Settlement readings are observed on a mercury manometer located at the monitoring site and are· equal to the differences in initial and subsequent pressure head readings. Comparisons of
more » ... obtained at a highway construction site from mercury gage settlement units and conventional settlement platforms are presented and show very good agreement. With the mercury gage, a large amount of settlement information can. be obtained per installation, and the gage does not have many of the disadvantages associated with the settlement platform.
doi:10.13023/ktc.rr.1972.351 fatcat:xflksjhor5dy7mbc52bgcc3aee