Chung-Hee Chang, Mark H. Kryder
1996 Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan  
The d~:maence of.surfa<:e m0tp.hology of thin film garnets deposited by meta1Io-organic decomposition (MOD) on process conditions was mvestigated m an effort to produce MOD garnets with small roughness. The surface m?rphology of sputtered films were also studied for comparison. The surface morphologies were studied by atomic force mlcroscopy (~M) and cross-sectional electron microscopy. It was found that the surface morphology of the MOD films was very senSItive to mm deposition conditions such
more » ... as the number of layers, spincoating speed, heat treatment conditions ~d .the condition of the org~ic solution. It . was also found that the MOD garnets were inherently rough due to ~ slgmficant volume change whlch occurs during the drying and decomposition process. The smoothest MOD film showed mean roughness of order of 5 nm at 150 nm thickness while the roughness of the sputtered film was order of 0.5 nm.
doi:10.3379/jmsjmag.20.s1_357 fatcat:pmcl2jbxqvebbg6o2ykprmwsyi