Application of the Rain-flow Counting Method in Fatigue

Guojun Liu, Dahuan Wang, Zeyou Hu
2016 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Network and Computer Engineering (ICENCE 2016)   unpublished
In the statistics of stress-strain cyclic response involved with cyclic-loading, rain-flow counting method has always been thought the most reasonable way to proceed cycle counting, based on which researchers could conduct fatigue test or calculate the damage extent according to ε一N(or S一N) curve. That is the main reason why this method is widely used. This article will minutely discuss the principle, developing status, computer-based realization and application of rain-flow counting method,
more » ... er which briefly discuss its application in fatigue problem in road and bridge.
doi:10.2991/icence-16.2016.50 fatcat:kl2qbrzg2ndj7gm6oabu6kmn6u