B Sadananda Rao, M Yesender, B H Shiny Vinila
2017 International Journal of Anatomy and Research  
Foramen ovale (FO) plays an important role in the diagnostic and surgical procedures related to middle cranial fossa. So the knowledge on the variations, dimensions and the topographic location is must to the neurosurgeons while dealing with this region. The present study aimed at finding the anatomical variations, dimensions and the location of foramen ovale. Materials and Methods: Present study was carried out on 100 foramina ovalia using 50 dry adult human skulls of South Indian origin. The
more » ... ncidence of the presence of any accessory bony structure like bony plate, spine, tubercle and septa were noted. The size of the foramen ovale was measured by taking Antero-posterior length and the width. The location was determined by measuring the distance from the centre of the foramen ovale (CF) to the tubercle of root of zygoma and distance from the CF to the midline of the base of the skull bilaterally using double tipped compass and digital vernier calipers. Results: Among 50 skulls studied 4 skulls (8%) were bearing bony structures in which 2 skulls (4%) were showing the complete septum dividing the foramen ovale into two parts and in 2 skulls (4%) bony spines were observed which were partially covering the foramen ovale bilaterally. The average anteroposterior length of FO was 7.17±0.94 mm and the width was 3.75±0.69 mm. The average distance from the centre of foramen ovale to the tubercle of root of zygoma was 33.04±2.11 mm and the average distance from the centre of foramen ovale to the midline of the base of the skull was 24.26±1.68 mm. There was no significant difference between the right and left sides. Conclusion: Proper knowledge on the location, dimensions and variations of foramen ovale will be providing guidance to neurosurgeons while performing various procedures through foramen ovale. KEY WORDS: Foramen ovale (FO), Anatomical variations, Neurosurgeons, Tubercle of root of zygoma.
doi:10.16965/ijar.2016.487 fatcat:zmg6ugzaa5fmtgo4lc6d7aljuy