Evaluation of a maximum power density design method for matrix converter using SiC-MOSFET

Kazuhiro Koiwa, Jun-ichi Itoh
2014 2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)  
This paper discusses a maximum power density design for a matrix converter using SiC device based on front loading design. In order to design the matrix converter at maximum power density, the conduction loss and the switching loss of the matrix converter are derived theoretically. Based on these equations, the relationship between the efficiency and power density are discussed by Pareto-front curve in order to solve the tread-off problem between the power density and the efficiency. From the
more » ... perimental results, the maximum efficiency is 98.3% with two phase modulation at 3.9-kW output power and 25-kHz switching frequency (Devices: SiC-MOSFET BSM00003A ROHM). Moreover, the maximum power density of the matrix converter reaches 2.12 kW/dm 3 (the design value is 2.22 kW/dm 3 ) with a natural air cooling. Thus, the design method of a high power density AC-AC converter using a matrix converter is established according to the specifications. I.
doi:10.1109/ecce.2014.6953444 fatcat:oepquoatkngl3mwdr26xjkj7cm