SWOT Analysis and Development Strategies on Government-oriented Regional E-business Platform—Based on the Comparison with the Commercial Third-party B2B Platform

Lin-na HU
2017 DEStech Transactions on Economics Business and Management  
The commercial third-party B2B platform is so far the main E-Business mode for most small and medium enterprises. Commercial third-party B2B platform has massive information about the buyers and vendors, it is the network platform of communication for travelling traders and small-medium enterprises; but it can't fulfill the requirements of small and medium enterprises E-Business, which is now becoming more and more personalized, due to the non-difference in service mode. Regional E-Business
more » ... form is a new platform, which is leaded by the government and has regional features. By applying SWOT analysis to commercial third-party B2B platform and government-oriented regional E-Business platform, this paper provides references for the government participation in E-Business development and also for the small-medium enterprises in selecting best E-Business mode.
doi:10.12783/dtem/eced2017/9828 fatcat:chps7fh3qrdylam4tgvfvnnqbm