Effect of 802.11 Adaptive Exponential Backoffs on the Fluidity of Downlink Flows in Mesh Networks

Adel Aziz, Roger Karrer, Patrick Thiran
2008 Proceedings of the 6th Intl Symposium on Modeling and Optimization   unpublished
Efficient multi-hop traffic management is a need for successful Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) deployment. Using an analogy with fluid mechanism, we classify a link as laminar if the packets flow smoothly from the Wireless Access Point (WAP) to the different nodes of the network, and as turbulent otherwise. We identify a particular but frequent collision scenario, which sets the flow to be turbulent, resulting in a strongly reduced downlink end-to-end throughput. We show that the exponential
more » ... -off mechanism in a 802.11 WMN is responsible for this problem, which suggests in modification of the current exponential backoff policy of 802.11 for WMNs. We support these findings both with simulations and real measurements on a testbed infrastructure. 802.11 IN MULTI-HOP BACKHAUL NET-WORKS This section provides background on the problem of multihop flow behavior and its causes.
doi:10.4108/icst.wiopt2008.3164 fatcat:hsisnragtjddpalp6tlcxrkhpa