Minimal weights of Hilbert modular forms in characteristic

Fred Diamond, Payman L Kassaei
2017 Compositio Mathematica  
We consider mod $p$ Hilbert modular forms associated to a totally real field of degree $d$ in which $p$ is unramified. We prove that every such form arises by multiplication by partial Hasse invariants from one whose weight (a $d$ -tuple of integers) lies in a certain cone contained in the set of non-negative weights, answering a question of Andreatta and Goren. The proof is based on properties of the Goren–Oort stratification on mod $p$ Hilbert modular varieties established by Goren and Oort, and Tian and Xiao.
doi:10.1112/s0010437x17007230 fatcat:fhjswjs6fbeptng6hliz2yzrha