Word of Mouth Marketing in Increasing the Repurchase Intention of Private Label Products in Minimarkets

Irma Ambasari, Heny Hendrayati
2021 Proceedings of the 5th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2020)   unpublished
The development of private label products for products sold by retailers is increasing. This condition is an opportunity to increase sales. Retailers can reduce fixed costs with private label sales and require a strategy to encourage consumers to repurchase the product. Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM) was used to overcome the repurchase intention problem in this study. The research objective was to determine how much influence the performance of Word of Mouth Marketing on Repurchase Intention on
more » ... private label products in minimarkets. The subjects of this study were minimarket consumers who used 115 private label products. The type of research used was descriptive and verification. Explanatory survey method with cluster sampling technique was used with sampling calculation using iteration method. The data analysis techniques employed path analysis. The results in the study state that Word of Mouth Marketing affects repurchase intention. The performance of Word of Mouth Marketing has a positive and significant influence on the repurchase intention of private label products.
doi:10.2991/aebmr.k.210831.112 fatcat:jz3z53ingzclbkcm6b2tdqbiwe