The Use of High Order Thinking Skill in Story Telling Method in Order to Improve Children' Critical Thinking

Siti Aisyah, Denny Setiawan
2016 Journal of English and Education  
Children need to be equipped with the ability to navigate the world and to think independently, not just recite facts. One of the thinking ability dimensions is creatingthinkingassociated with the ability to explore ideas, conclude possibilities, and find correct answers more than one answer. In this eraofglobalization andadvances intechnology, where changes rapidly occur in community, creative thinking ability is a need for every human being who want to succeed in a variety of competitions.
more » ... refore, the ability tothinkcreatively should begivensincetheageofearlychildhood. One way to develop critical and creative thinking is to give children experiences inthinking critically andcreatively andit isknown ashighorder thinking skills (HOTS). As basic of developing HOTS we can learning domains created by Benjamin Bloom. Accordingly therearethreedomains, thesearecognitive, effective, andpsychomotor
doi:10.20885/jee.vol3.iss1.art2 fatcat:4f24ctlclvdajdzhg4ocq2iv6a