Prospects for MSSM Higgs boson searches at the Fermilab Tevatron

Patrick Draper, Tao Liu, Carlos E. M. Wagner
2009 Physical Review D  
We analyze the Tevatron reach for neutral Higgs bosons in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), using current exclusion limits on the Standard Model Higgs. We study four common benchmark scenarios for the soft supersymmetry-breaking parameters of the MSSM, including cases where the Higgs decays differ significantly from the Standard Model, and provide projections for the improvements in luminosity and efficiency required for the Tevatron to probe sizeable regions of the (m_A, tanβ) plane.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.80.035025 fatcat:pop7jt3yvvdblkrwbdrbdbx6xu