Arabic translation and linguistic validation of the questionnaire Bladder Cancer Index

I. Ziouziou, M.A. Touzani, T. Karmouni, K. El Khader, A. Koutani, A.I. Attya Andaloussi
2018 African Journal of Urology  
The Bladder Cancer Index (BCI) is a validated questionnaire for health-related quality of life in patients with bladder cancer (BC). Objective: To translate the original BCI into an Arabic validated version. Subjects and methods: For translation and validation, we proceeded in 5 steps: (1) Authorization of translation by the authors of the original BCI. (2) Translation from English to Arabic. (3) Submission of the translated version into Arabic to a committee of readers. (4) Backward
more » ... to ensure there was no discrepancy between the two versions during the reverse translation. (5) Qualitative linguistic validation of the document obtained from seven patients having BC. Results: Translation was authorized in February 2015. The reading committee that evaluated the clarity of the text admitted the version with minor revisions. The questionnaire was finally tested on seven patients with bladder tumor treated in the department of urology B at Ibn Sina Teaching Hospital. They all responded to the questionnaire without understanding nor filling difficulty. Therefore, no major changes were made following this qualitative assessment. Conclusion: This Arabic version of BCI questionnaire will enable researchers from Arab countries to use a measurement tool validated and recognized internationally to assess QOL in patients with BC.
doi:10.1016/j.afju.2017.09.007 fatcat:6ny72bpovnamdk6rbztuget3l4