on Method for Automated Pipetting Device Using Camera

Jun Yeon, Hye-Jeong Song, Chan-Young Park, Yu-Seop Kim, Ki-Bong Bong, Jong-Dae Kim
2015 unpublished
This paper presents a validation method based on image processing technique for point-of-care-test (POCT) diagnostic devices with an automated pipetting function. Proposed method is useful for indicating the overall malfunction of the entire device or for warning that the user has forgotten to load the required tip. A horizontal projection analysis can be utilized for robust identification of the tip and the holder area, and a vertical projection analysis is carried out for each area to detect
more » ... ip absence of the tip and the tip and holder positions. Experimental results show that the proposed image processing technique for device monitoring worked well and without failure.
doi:10.14257/astl.2015.98.11 fatcat:pzcq65hgazh7zc7b6jle6yo75q