طَرَائِـقُ تَعلِيمِ المفرَدَاتِ اللُّغَويَّةِ وَتعلُّمهَا لِلنَّاطِقِينَ بِغَيرهَا

الْحُسَيْنُ مُصْطَفَى صَابِر أَحْمَد
2021 مجلة الدراسات العربية  
The linguistic vocabulary that is provided to foreigners who study Arabic as a second or foreign language, must be different from what we provide to native speakers; This is because the nature of the students is completely different in many respects, such as experience, linguistic ability, linguistic and social environment, and learning objectives, and the difference may also be in the motives, behavior, and needs of the students in grammar and their preparations in that research paper to learn
more » ... the linguistic aspects. It contributes to teaching the language and facilitating the preparation of its educational materials. Where this research belongs in its general framework to applied linguistics; He intends to invest linguistic visions in teaching Arabic vocabulary to non-native speakers. Although vocabulary has been known for a long time, it has recently taken a lot of interest and re-evaluation as a result of the growing interest in vocabulary and its teaching. So that it will be more involved in serving language issues and designing its educational curricula. The paper concludes with some proposals to complete the picture of the requirements related to the language and its teaching.
doi:10.21608/dram.2021.207331 fatcat:huwjr5ehanfxnj6fxcc47wzsve