Over-Booking Approach for Dynamic Spectrum Management

Jing Li, Qinghai Yang, L. Hanzo, Kyung Sup Kwak
2011 2011 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference - GLOBECOM 2011  
An over-booking based dynamic spectrum management (DSM) scheme is conceived for improving the attainable spectral efficiency. All secondary users (SU) will be categorized into different classes and they borrow spectral resources from the primary users (PU) before data transmission. Under the riskbased policy model, the effects of both booking cancellations and 'no-show' reservations are analyzed. Assuming that the booking demands obey an inhomogeneous Poisson process, we derive the optimal
more » ... r of excess reservations, while minimizing the total compensation costs. Algorithms are developed for determining the capacity allocation dedicated to each SU class, whilst denying those resource allocations, which would lead to congested bookings.
doi:10.1109/glocom.2011.6134410 dblp:conf/globecom/LiYHK11 fatcat:irmwxmebg5e6hfckilhucvhplm