Dr. Truby King's Method for the Preservation and Restoration of the Breast Milk, adapted for District Use

Hester Viney
1921 Journal of the Royal Sanitary Institute  
EVERY mother can, if she will, suckle her child. The preparations for breast feeding begin in the ante-natal period, and are both mental and physical. The critical periods of nursing can be overcome by a simple routine of healthy living. The breast milk can always be restored if the weaning has not taken place over too long a period. Methods of restoration include water drinking by the mother, with the regular stimulation from the suckling of the child, and in some cases a little supplementary
more » ... eeding as well. It is vital to the health of the race that the babies be breast fed for the first nine months.
doi:10.1177/146642402104200513 fatcat:hzwj4qt5f5e2picqgu7db3pxie