Annual Report 2006 for Hydrodynamics and Radiation Hydrodynamics with Astrophysical Applications [report]

R. Paul Drake
2007 unpublished
Target for a supernova hydrodynamics experiment. The large acrylic shield has several advantages. Dual orthogonal backlit pinhole radiographs using ungated detectors. From experiments to study Rayleigh-Taylor evolution from a 3D sinusoidal pattern, at 21 ns. Left: an image across the CHBr strip. Right: an image down the CHBr strip. In both images dense spikes and the shockwave can be seen. They are moving to the right. The grid is for spatial calibration and magnification. The bright white
more » ... re on the left is a scratch on the film. Radiograph, of radiative shock in Xe gas after image processing to remove x-ray intensity variations.
doi:10.2172/912634 fatcat:hkxlbxrfbbc2bhrpiolwzwqab4