A "User Friendly" Bankruptcy Prediction Model Using Neural Networks

Xavier Bredart
2014 Accounting and Finance Research  
Belgium has faced an important number of corporate bankruptcies during the last decade. The aim of this paper is to develop a model that predicts bankruptcy using three financial ratios that are simple and easily available, even for small businesses. We used a sample of 3,728 Belgian Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's) including 1,864 businesses having been declared bankrupt between 2002 and 2012 and conducted a neural network analysis. Our results indicate that the neural network methodology
more » ... ased on three financial ratios that are simple and easily available as explanatory variables shows a good classification rate of more or less 80 percent. Results of this study may be of interest for financial institutions and for academics.
doi:10.5430/afr.v3n2p124 fatcat:6ca4frpxeffwzfat3yqb6jck6q