Temperature and Density Fluctuations in Planetary Nebulae

John S. Mathis, Silvia Torres‐Peimbert, Manuel Peimbert
1998 Astrophysical Journal  
The determination of the chemical composition of gaseous nebulae depends on whether they contain Ñuctuations in density and/or temperature beyond those predicted by photoionization models or pressure balance. These Ñuctuations are strongly suggested by the unexpectedly large observed strengths of O II and C II recombination lines. If there are dense clumps, the derived abundances can be wrong by a factor of 2 or more. This paper does not address the physics of producing Ñuctuations but rather
more » ... amines the spectroscopic consequences if the Ñuctuations exist.
doi:10.1086/305254 fatcat:golot2vrwnhdphgivnibo6cr3e