Solidarity in Mortal Time

2022 The AMA Journal of Ethic  
The concept of mortal time is useful in exploring what the hospice care framework might offer nonhospice clinicians. While hospice patients seem distinct from those in other settings, life-threatening serious illness brings with it profound vulnerability that permeates the atmosphere of caregiving. Hospice clinicians lean into this vulnerability, seeking to make meaning for patients and families in the critical present. Clinicians elsewhere can strive to overcome it, working to save themselves
more » ... nd their patients for a rosier future. Mortal time signals the shared human condition, however, and, as such, it can be an entry point for solidarity among patients and coworkers, strengthening both.
doi:10.1001/amajethics.2022.1149 fatcat:6wcrhjirdfagja4jgch6x67zea