Osmium Complexes With POP Pincer Ligands [chapter]

Miguel A. Esteruelas, Montserrat Oliván
2018 Pincer Compounds  
sum of the Os-P bond lengths in the three compounds is similar (≈ 4.81 Å (1), ≈ 4.70 Å (2), and ≈ 4.65 Å (3) ). The differences between the P-Os-P angles are also not significant. The P-Os-P angle in 1 (159.95(3)°) is about 6°smaller than those of 2 (166.20(5)°) and 3 (165.38(5)°).
doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-812931-9.00016-5 fatcat:hlo67kiaqbfmjb4uh7qpryh5tu