Peritoneal dissemination of recurrent small intestine primary GIST, successfully diagnosed by diffusion-weighted imaging

Junichiro Tanaka, Katsuyuki Nakanishi, Katsuhito Takahashi, Noriyuki Tomiyama
2017 Clinical Case Reports and Reviews  
An 81-year-old woman had undergone small intestine gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) resection. Three years later, peritoneal dissemination appeared and was resected. She received imatinib therapy and was observed carefully. Three years after the first recurrence, diffusion-weighed imaging (DWI) of MRI revealed high intensity nodules on mesenterium. These nodules lacked [ 18 F]-fluorodeoxyglucose ( 18 F-FDG) uptake, but apparently increased, compared with DWI demonstrated a year before.
more » ... biopsy was performed and many disseminated nodules were found on great omentum and mesenterium. Two of these nodules were resected and confirmed as peritoneal dissemination of GIST having mutation with at exon 9 of the c-kit gene. The expression of glucose transporter-1 (GLUT-1) was low level in our cases.
doi:10.15761/ccrr.1000377 fatcat:omsdr3jarneb7ogbg4ootmtp5e