IDDF2018-ABS-0195 Reduced muscle (RADIO) density and barcelona clinic liver cancer (BCLC) staging are independently survival prognostic of indonesia hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients

Yan Mardian, Yoshihiko Yano, Neneng Ratnasari, Lina Choridah, Fahmi Indrarti, Putut Bayupurnama, Catharina Triwikatwani, Nurhuda Hendra Setyawan, Yoshitake Hayashi
2018 Clinical Hepatology   unpublished
mortality along with the feasibility of steroids in this sick subset of patients. Methods All patients with SAH (defined as Discriminant Function !32) admitted from January 2015 to February 2017 at our Institute were prospectively enrolled. All patients were given standard treatment according to various guidelines, and their 90 day mortality was determined. Various hematologic, biochemical factors and severity scores were compared between survivors and patients who died. Results A total of 183
more » ... atients (98% males, median age 41 years [range 20-70 years]) were included. The median MELD was 26 (15-40). Ascites was present in 83% and hepatic encephalopathy in 38%. Only 21 (12%) could be offered steroid therapy, due to contraindications in the remaining. By 90 days, only 103 (56%) patients survived while 80 (44%) patients had died. All patients died due to progressive liver failure and its complications. On multivariate analysis presence of ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, high bilirubin, low albumin, high creatinine, high INR, and low potassium independently predicted 90 day mortality. All the scores performed significantly in predicting 90 day mortality with no statistically significant difference between them. MELD score had a maximum area under the curve 0.76 for 90 day mortality (table 1 and figure1). A combination of Child class and presence of acute kidney injury (creatinine !1.35) was good in predicting 90 day mortality. Abstract IDDF2018-ABS-0190 Table 1 Score AUC Std error Abstract IDDF2018-ABS-0195 Figure 1 Overall survival curves a Kaplan meier curve indicating the survival of patients with intramuscular fat imf deposition and normal muscle attenuation ma b Kaplan meier curve indicating the survival of patients with alpha fetoprot)
doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2018-iddfabstracts.231 fatcat:kavsz4izhfd6hhfgzcijsaayqq