Payment System Competitiveness

Frantisek Bartes, Jitka Studenikova
2010 Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy  
Competitiveness is one of the key conditions of functional market system. With the time passing, people changed their understanding of economic systems, from barter to paper money. In nowadays world, when the IT becomes a big part of common life, the electronic money, e-purses, pay pall and other payment systems are more used and important. The payment systems differ one from each other and we can talk about payment instruments market. But what if this market does not work well. The aim of this
more » ... article is to find out the rules, conditions on the market of payment instruments. The author tries to recognize the problems on the demand and supply side. The system of credit cards and direct debit system is involved the most, together with latest theory of Tourist Test. The Interchange Fee plays the key role.
doi:10.12775/equil.2010.027 fatcat:n2tc5tf5c5e3vi6wco6mfkueuy