Case Report of Fibrous Dysplasia of Maxillary Region

Dr. Arth Shah, Dr. M.F. Shaikh, Dr. Hiren Rana, Dr. Hardik Dodia
2017 IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences  
The Fibrous Dysplasia is a benign bone disease, of slow growth and unknown etiology. The involvement of the craniofacial skeleton is not uncommon and, generally, produces facial asymmetries. Case Report: In this article we report the case of a patient with fibrous dysplasia occupying the entire left maxillary sinus with orbitary extension confirmed in the anatomopathological exam. Final Comments: The surgical treatment remains as the main therapeutic approach and the postoperative follow-up is necessary due to this condition recurrent nature.
doi:10.9790/0853-1604028689 fatcat:7gzy3a5fxbh67glmmichpqt3qe